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SIZE: Length 1,1 m, mass 3,5 kg. COLOUR: Grey, sometimes with a yellowish tinge. The legs and muzzle are a dark greyish-brown. Tip of the tail is black. MOST LIKE: Small Grey Mongoose, but is almost twice as long and has a black tip to the tail. HABITAT: Always associated with rivers, lakes, dams, swamps or other wet environments.


It feeds on rodents, snakes, lizards, frogs, fish and the eggs and chicks of ground-nesting birds. It sometimes hunts in shallow water, though generally steers clear of deep water unless threatened. It is not a tree climber, and has the wrong claws for this activity: instead it is a powerful digger, and a specialist at excavating for beetles and other prey. Its coarse hair helps to protect it from the poison fangs of the snakes it preys on, conquering them through sheer agility.

Enemies of the large grey mongoose include larger birds of prey and the large carnivores. Family groups, consisting of both parents and their young, move in a line in head-to-tail formation, with the scent glands located near the anus helping to keep the file in formation. Unlike other mongooses, they do not seem to make use of the odour from these glands as a defensive weapon if trapped or threatened by man, using their high pitched staccato distress call instead. The large grey mongoose is more active by day than by night. It sleeps in a sitting position in a burrow or crevice.

The Large Grey Mongoose is the largest of the mongooses in Africa and is found in many other parts of the continent, including West Africa and Egypt’s Nile Valley. It is a relatively short-legged animal with an elongated body, a long tail, and a pointed muzzle.